Why Choose Invisalign?

Of course, there are a number of options available to straighten teeth.  None of the others offer the level of comfort, convenience and confidence that you will find by using the Invisalign method.  It works no matter what stage of life you are currently in.  It offers a cutting edge approach with little impact on your current lifestyle, but with a highly positive impact on the final product.

Clear aligners are virtually invisible Involves wires and brackets
Smooth, comfortable plastic aligners Wires can poke and irritate the mouth
Aligners are removable for easy cleaning Brushing and flossing requires more effort
Eat whatever you want Many food restrictions

We are happy to discuss the pros and cons of all forms of teeth realignment processes.  Our professionals are happy to speak with you at your convenience to help you make an informed choice.

SCHEDULE YOUR APPOINTMENT AT downtown ottawa smiles